The Story of St. James
Long ago on a distant shore lived an old salt who went by the name James. He and is brother operated a local fishing business until one day an out-of-towner came along and changed James and his brother forever. This stranger spoke of putting others before themselves and caring for those who were all too often overlooked. The passion of this foreigner was so contagious that both James and his brother put down their nets and followed this newcomer touching the countless lives of those that came across their path. It’s a remarkable story- one worth repeating and one that has the ability to change you and those around you forever.
The story of St. James has influenced our lives and the use of his name serves as a constant reminder of his example. Throughout the year, St. James Boatworks puts down their “nets” and together with a non-profit organization provides food and shelter for orphans and widows throughout the Caribbean. The old saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day…teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” adequately describes what we strive to accomplish. Providing shelter, a clean water source, a renewable food source, and education equips these wonderful people with the resources they so desperately need to become self reliant, and provides them the opportunity of living the remarkable story of St. James.